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Meteor Fox or $MTF is the cornerstone and main focus of the Project. Working alongside Meteora's Dynamic Pools and DLMMs as well as Exchange Art Auctions we are looking forward to providing Liquidity, Value and Yield to our Holders of both the Token and the ZORRO collection.
DLMMing and Dynamic Pools
Using Meteora's DApp for DLMMing and Dynamic Pooling to provide liquidity we aspire to earn Trading Fees and Yield to give back to our supporters of both the Token and the ZORRO collectors.

Support from ZORRO
Utilizing the Auctions Funds from the sales of ZORRO, and any other collection the team makes. We will continuously provide Liquidity towards $MTF. Our main focus with all of our collections is to drive volume and focus towards $MTF.
ZORRO Auctions
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